
Friday, 1 January 2010

Snappy New Year.

Welcome to space year 2010, everybody. Hope you all had a great night. I saw in the new year with some friends playing 'Ghostbusters' on Lego Rock Band, I trust you did something similar.

Anyway, I meant to plink this yesterday but I didn't get the chance to get at a computer. So I'd like you to come with me as we go back... IN TIME!

To yesterday, to be exact. Because just like last year, have summed up the highs and lows of 2009 in photographs. Some of them are in due to recording historic events, and others are simply incredible pictures.

It's in 3 parts, 40 photos a piece.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.

You can use the J & K keys to move between pics without scrolling. Oh, and some of the pictures are potentially upsetting so steel yourself.

Happy New Year everyone, thanks for sticking with plinx. I'll try and keep you entertained for another year!

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